

The 世界杯赌场盘口 Class of 2022 Alumni Achievement Award recipients include the founder of a veterans housing program, a judge, national CEO and a legacy family whose education and contributions to UMKC have spanned generations.

Join us in honoring the Class of 2022 awardees in an in-person celebration at 6 p.m. 4月29日,在詹姆斯C. 奥尔森表演艺术中心. Visit UMKC校友会网站 了解更多关于今年的获奖者和活动的信息. If you are unable to attend the event but would like to donate to student scholarships, 捐款可以在网上进行.

The Alumni Awards ceremony is one of the university’s largest events to support student scholarships. In the last decade, the Alumni Awards event has garnered more than $1 million in scholarships and immediate aid for UMKC students.

2022年冬奥会的联合主席是奥巴马博士. Joseph P. Spalitto (B.S. ’68, D.D.S. 1972年)和黛比·汤普森(Debbie Thompson) (B.S.D.H. ’81)


年度最佳校友:布莱恩·梅耶(B.A. ’11, M.P.A. ’15, J.D. ‘15)

布莱恩在来到UMKC之前曾在海军陆战队服役五年. After his Marine service, he earned three degrees from UMKC: Bachelor’s (2011), JD and MPA (2015). 2015年毕业后, he then turned his attention to helping fellow veterans by helping to establish the Veterans Community Project (VCP) in Kansas City.
他现在担任VCP的首席执行官, which is an innovative non-profit that provides housing for homeless veterans in a tiny home village. The village setting provides a sanctuary and emotional space needed for veterans to live and collaborate with those from similar backgrounds and shared experiences. 为VCP居民提供各种服务, including a Veteran Support Services unit that works to address the underlying causes of homelessness. VCP also provides case managers who work with veterans to achieve incremental, 在卫生和保健领域取得持久成果, education, employment, 金融知识和个人支持网络的发展. Bryan is driven by service and is passionate about building an organization that serves veterans.

焦点奖:里达曼·达斯(B.S. ’12, M.S. ‘19)

Das graduated from UMKC with a bachelor’s degree in computer science in 2012 and earned his master’s degree in computer science in 2019. 在学校时,他是亨利W. 布洛赫管理学院创业学者项目, which allows students to develop a business idea alongside a peer group while working with mentors who are accomplished local entrepreneurs.

In the fall of 2019, Das launched a company called TripleBlind, where he currently serves as CEO & Co-Founder. TripleBlind为公司提供数据隐私服务, allowing them to safely provide and consume sensitive data and algorithms in an encrypted space, 不损害隐私或安全. Das has spent most of his career in leadership and has held various technical roles in software and product development, 各种行业的学术和咨询. He is a recipient of the 2013 White House Champion of Change award presented by President Barack Obama. Das was named the 2013 Technologist of the Year by Silicon Prairie News and was featured in Ingram’s Kansas City Business Magazine in 2014.

比尔法国校友服务奖:Ann Mesle (J.D. ‘72)

在建立一个成功的法律事业的过程中, Judge Ann Mesle has dedicated a significant amount of time and service to her alma matter, UMKC. She has served on several boards including the UMKC Law Foundation (President), UMKC Trustees, Martha Starr Education Fund (Co-Chair) and the Board of Diastole-Hospital Hill (Chair). 她获得了UMKC法律基金会的终身成就奖, 校友成就奖和最好的朋友奖.

Judge Mesle’s leadership has been demonstrated on various UMKC boards and committees including the Capital Campaign and Stewardship and Events (Chair), UMKC校董会和执行委员会, Athletic Foundation, UMKC受托人倡议法, 法律基金委员会, Law Foundation, 并担任法律基金会名誉理事. Additionally, 她曾在无数民间组织的董事会任职, 包括在堪萨斯城酒吧工作多年.

“挑战赔率奖”:苏珊·B. Wilson, Ph.D. (MBA ’05)

Susan B. Wilson, Ph.D. (MBA ’05) is a proud UMKC graduate whose professional accomplishments are a stellar reflection on the University. 苏珊就读于匹兹堡大学,获得了三个学位. 她摆脱了贫困, 教授的劝阻, racism and discrimination to seek research opportunities and guidance needed to prepare her for the application process for the school’s graduate psychology program. Susan was accepted to the clinical psychology program and matriculated through the very rigorous program as a single parent of two children.

苏珊继续完成她的博士学位.D. and secured a post-doctoral fellowship at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka. She moved to Kansas City in 1989 and went on to have a multifaceted career in healthcare administration, 教育及广播. She served as a treating clinician for the Kansas City Chiefs and the National Football League (NFL). In 2005 Susan received her MBA at UMKC and in 2008 became the associate dean for diversity and community partnership at the UMKC School of Medicine. 2014年,她被任命为负责多元化和包容性的副校长. During her tenure, 她实施了一项全面的, 校园范围内的世界杯赌博盘口计划, 建立多元化和包容性培训项目, launched the Faculty Diversity Dialogues program and campus Diversity Advocates programs for students and employees. 她于2021年1月退休, but has continued working with the School of Dentistry in a diversity and inclusion role.

遗产奖:North/Cheadle Family

北/钱德尔家族的UMKC遗产可以追溯到20世纪60年代. Don Cheadle Sr. (M.A. 1970年)和他的姐夫  Basil North Jr. (B.A. ‘61, J.D. ‘71) were the first in their family to graduate from Kansas City’s university and laid the path for many generations that followed to become ‘Roos.

诺斯的女儿谢丽尔·诺斯(Sheryl North, M.D. 1982年)和玛丽亚·诺斯·摩根(J.D. 他们都是堪萨斯大学校友. 他的许多其他亲属也曾就读于密苏里大学堪萨斯分校,包括:小格伦·诺斯. (M.F.A. ’20),Stasi Bobo-Ligon (B.B.A. ’88),Dione Cheadle (B.A. 1989年),迈尔斯·钱德尔(就读)和凯莉·诺斯(就读).

这个家庭的成员不仅毕业于UMKC, 他们选择了不同的课程, 所以这个奖项代表了校园里几所学校的优秀表现. Many of these students have also succeeded in other interests such as art and music. 这个家庭也非常致力于公共服务, 许多人参与了大量有影响力的志愿者活动.



文理学院:Melissa Zarda (B.A. ’02, M.A. ‘07)

Pixel Lunch LLC所有者

生物与化学科学学院:约瑟夫·兰宾博士.D. ‘90)

高级副总裁, Bristol Myers Squibb,前身 MyoKardia (retired) 

Henry W. 布洛赫管理学院:迈克·佩里(本科.B.A. ’89)

President & 贺曼贺卡公司首席执行官.

计算机与工程学院:Jungwoo Ryoo (B ..S. ’96, M.S. ’98)

Professor, Information Sciences and Technology; director, 事业部, Engineering, 信息科学与技术(BEIST), 宾夕法尼亚州立大学阿尔图纳分校.

Conservatory: Dr. Xi Wang (M.M. ’03)

Associate Professor, Music Composition and Theory, Southern Methodist University

牙科学院:Brenda Bohaty博士.D. ’09)

纳尔逊教授兼主席, 儿科牙科学系, 密苏里大学堪萨斯城牙科学院

牙科学院-口腔卫生:乔·安·韦瑟瓦克斯(B.S.D.H. ’06, M.S. ’12)

Founder/director, Volusia County Health Department Dental Program (retired)

教育学院:卢塞罗·加里贝(硕士).A. ‘16)


School of Law: J. Kent Emison (J.D. ’81)

Partner, Langdon & Emison LLC

医学院:Lucky Atul Chopra (B.A. ’91, M.D. ’92)


护理与健康研究学院:Leslie Luke (M.S.N. ’00)


药学院:Janelle Sabo(药学.D. ’00)

Eli Lilly and Company临床能力副总裁



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